Media & Entertainment King Ayisoba King Ayisoba, originally named Albert Apoozore (born around 1974), is a Ghanaian traditional musician celebrated for his...
Art & Culture Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II, privately known as Joseph Kwamena Sekum Haizel is the Paramount Chief of Oguaa Traditional...
Art & Culture Irene Dwomoh Irene Dwomoh was the first-ever visually impaired woman to win the prestigious beauty pageant in 2006.
Media & Entertainment Nii Kwate Owoo Nii Kwate Owoo is a Ghanaian academic and filmmaker, described by Variety as "one of the first Ghanaians to lense in...
Art & Culture Frances Ademola Frances Ademola is a Ghanaian artist, gallerist and former broadcaster. She is the owner of "The Loom", the first...
Art & Culture Kenneth Akufo Asare Kenneth Akufo Asare is a name synonymous with innovation and eco-tourism in Ghana. As the mastermind behind Ghana’s most...
Art & Culture King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II King Tackie Teiko Tsuru II known in private life as Dr. Kelvin Nii Tackie Abia, holds the esteemed title of Ga Mantse the...
Art & Culture Nii Kwabena Bonnie III Nii Kwabena Bonnie III also known as Kwamla Theodore Taylor served as a Ghanaian (Ga) traditional ruler in Gold Coast a...
Art & Culture Nogokpo Shrine Nogokpo is situated in the Ketu South Municipality of Ghana's Volta Region along the Trans-West African Coastal Highway and...
Art & Culture Nana Asor Nkrawiri II Nana Asor Nkrawiri II, known in private life as Christian Osei Kwakye, was an educationist and a traditional ruler until his...
Art & Culture Irene Dwomoh Irene Dwomoh was the first-ever visually impaired woman to win the prestigious beauty pageant in 2006.
Media & Entertainment King Ayisoba King Ayisoba, originally named Albert Apoozore (born around 1974), is a Ghanaian traditional musician celebrated for his...
Art & Culture Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II, privately known as Joseph Kwamena Sekum Haizel is the Paramount Chief of Oguaa Traditional...