Stories and facts
Education Campaigns
Throughout the month, various educational campaigns are conducted to inform the public about malaria transmission, symptoms, prevention methods, and available treatment options. These campaigns utilize a variety of communication channels such as radio, television, posters, leaflets, social media, and community outreach programs.
Community Outreach Programs
National Malaria Awareness Month often includes community outreach programs where healthcare workers visit local communities to provide education, distribute informational materials, and offer malaria testing and treatment services. These outreach efforts aim to reach populations in remote or underserved areas with limited access to healthcare facilities.

Mass Media Campaigns
Mass media campaigns play a crucial role in raising awareness about malaria during the awareness month. Television and radio advertisements, public service announcements, and feature articles in newspapers and magazines are used to disseminate key messages about malaria prevention and control.
Distribution of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs)
National Malaria Awareness Month may coincide with distribution campaigns for long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs). LLINs are distributed free of charge or at subsidized prices to households in malaria-endemic areas to protect against mosquito bites and reduce malaria transmission.
School Programs
Schools often participate in National Malaria Awareness Month by incorporating malaria education into their curriculum and organizing awareness activities for students. These may include classroom discussions, essay competitions, drama performances, and poster-making contests focused on malaria prevention and control.
Workplace Initiatives
Employers and businesses may implement workplace initiatives during National Malaria Awareness Month to promote malaria awareness among employees and their families. These initiatives may include health talks, workplace posters, distribution of mosquito repellents, and provision of malaria testing and treatment services.
Community Events
Community events such as health fairs, rallies, and seminars are organized to engage community members in malaria awareness activities. These events provide opportunities for interactive learning, dialogue, and participation in malaria prevention and control efforts.
Government Support and Endorsement
The government of Ghana provides strong support and endorsement for National Malaria Awareness Month by allocating resources, issuing official proclamations, and mobilizing stakeholders at national, regional, and local levels to participate in malaria control activities.
By raising awareness and promoting preventive measures, National Malaria Awareness Month plays a vital role in reducing the burden of malaria in Ghana and contributing to improved health outcomes for communities across the country.