Ghana Union Movement (GUM)

Stories and facts

Founding of GUM

The Ghana Union Movement (GUM) stands as a political force in Ghana, founded by Christian Kwabena Andrews. Notably, Andrews is also the visionary behind the Life Assembly Worship Center in Accra. In the grand launch of the party, he boldly proclaimed himself as the "new Kwame Nkrumah," invoking the spirit and legacy of the revered Ghanaian leader. This declaration served as a testament to the party's commitment to principles reminiscent of Nkrumah's era. The party's ideals found resonance in the endorsement it received from Samia Nkrumah, the daughter of Kwame Nkrumah.

Logo and colours

While the emblematic symbol of the Ghana Union Movement isn't explicitly detailed, the spirit of Nkrumah and Andrews' vision serve as the guiding lights shaping the party's identity. The colors associated with the Ghana Union Movement encapsulate the essence of its ideology. Though specific colors may not be outlined, the party's commitment to embodying the spirit of Nkrumah suggests an alignment with the historical values associated with Ghana's political struggle.

Party Executives

At the forefront of the Ghana Union Movement is its founder, Christian Kwabena Andrews. The party draws strength from his leadership, coupled with the wisdom and guidance of key figures associated with its inception. The dedication to the legacy of Nkrumah propels the party forward as it navigates the intricacies of Ghanaian politics.

Election History

2020 General Election

In the 2020 Ghanaian general election, Christian Kwabena Andrews took center stage as one of the presidential candidates. On October 7, 2020, he officially filed his nomination papers, positioning himself as a contender for the nation's leadership. The symbolism continued as his name secured the third position from the top on the ballot paper, a subtle yet strategic placement.

Flagbearer and Running Mate

For the election, Andrews nominated Abu Grant Lukeman as his running mate, forming a formidable duo to represent the Ghana Union Movement.

Electoral Results

Parliamentary Results (2020)

  • Number of GUM Votes: 60,840

  • Share of Votes: 0.46%

  • Seats: 0

  • Position: Steady (No change)

  • Outcome of Election: Not represented in parliament

Presidential Elections (2020)

  • Candidate: Christian Kwabena Andrews

  • Number of Votes: 105,548

  • Share of Votes: 0.80%

  • Outcome: 3rd of 12 candidates

The Ghana Union Movement's performance in the 2020 elections reflects its growing presence on the political stage, with a notable share of votes and a distinct position in the presidential race. As it continues to carve its path, the party remains an intriguing player in the unfolding narrative of Ghana's political landscape.
