Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG)

Stories and facts


The origins of the Liberal Party of Ghana can be traced back to the Independent People's Party (IPP), founded by Kofi Akpaloo in 2011. However, the journey of IPP was not without hurdles. In the run-up to the 2016 Ghanaian general election, Kofi Akpaloo, the party's presidential candidate, faced disqualification due to issues with his nomination forms. This setback prompted the birth of the Liberal Party of Ghana, which pledged to prioritize the well-being of the Ghanaian people through the use of technology.


The LPG operates under a well-defined constitution. According to this constitution, the party is obliged to elect its flagbearer a year before a general election when the party is in opposition. This provision ensures that the party has ample time to prepare for the upcoming election and present a strong candidate to the Ghanaian electorate.

Party Executives:

The leadership of the Liberal Party of Ghana plays a pivotal role in steering the party's affairs. The key party executives include:

  • John Ameka - Chairman

  • Sophia Akpaloo - 1st Vice Chairperson

  • Jerry Owusu Appauh - General Secretary

  • Samuel Aryeequaye - Deputy General Secretary

  • Samuel O. Afriyie - Communications

  • Charles Boateng - National Organizer

  • Samuel Adusei - National Youth Organizer

  • Elizabeth Sam O. K. - Women Organizer

  • Clement Boadi - International Relations

  • Prince Gaisie - Director of IT

  • Grace Pinaman - Director of Elections

These dedicated individuals work collectively to drive the party's vision and objectives.

Logo and Colors:

Notably, the Liberal Party of Ghana underwent a makeover in its branding. The party decided to modernize its image to appeal to a broader audience, especially the youth. The party's slogan was changed from "Yenko nkoaa Someha Na Someha!!!" (Let’s keep moving and hold my waist) to "Ye Nsoroma," which translates to "be a star" in Akan. The logo transitioned from an outdated desktop computer to an orange star, symbolizing contemporary trends in Ghana's political landscape.

Election history_category:

The Liberal Party of Ghana has participated in parliamentary and presidential elections. In the 2020 parliamentary elections, the party garnered 0.06% of the votes but failed to secure any seats in the 275 constituencies. On the presidential front, in the 2020 elections, the party's candidate, Kofi Akpaloo, secured 7th place out of 12 candidates, obtaining 0.06% of the votes.


In preparation for the 2024 general election, the Liberal Party of Ghana has set December 15, 2023, as the date to elect its flagbearer. This process aligns with the party's constitution, mandating the selection of a flagbearer a year in advance when the party is in opposition. Prospective flagbearer aspirants must be active members of the LPG and meet the constitutional requirements set forth in Ghana's 1992 Constitution for presidential candidates.



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