New Patriotic Party (NPP)

Stories and facts

Founding and Mission

The New Patriotic Party was founded on July 28, 1992, with a resounding mission to unite like-minded Ghanaian citizens dedicated to safeguarding human rights, the rule of law, and authentic democratic practices. The New Patriotic Party (NPP) stands out as a prominent center-right and liberal-conservative political party with a commitment to upholding the principles of Freedom and Justice through democratic practices. At its core, the party's mission is to establish a free and democratic system of governance that allows all citizens to actively contribute to the nation's welfare, peace, and prosperity while protecting them from dictatorship and oppression. This mission statement underscores the NPP's commitment to the democratic values upon which modern Ghana was built.

 Symbol and Colors

The NPP is symbolized by the majestic African elephant, an emblem of strength and stability. The party's official colors are red, white, and blue, reflecting a blend of passion, purity, and liberty. These colors and symbol encapsulate the party's principles and commitment to the Ghanaian nation.


The party was initially registered with the Electoral Commission on June 24, 1992. Since its inception, the NPP's constitution has undergone several amendments, demonstrating the party's commitment to adapting to the changing political landscape. Amendments were made on August 29, 1998, in 2003, and further revisions took place on August 22, 2009. These changes have allowed the party to remain relevant and responsive to the needs and aspirations of Ghana's citizens.

Party Executives

The NPP's leadership is a dynamic team of individuals dedicated to advancing the party's mission. As of the latest available information, key party executives include:

National Chairman - Mr. Stephen Ntim

1st Vice Chairman - Danquah Smith Buttey

2nd Vice Chairman - Rita Asobayire

3rd Vice Chairman - Alhaji Masawudu Osman

General Secretary - Mr. Justin Frimpong Koduah

National Organiser - Henry Nana Boakye (Nana B)

National Women Organiser - Kate Gyamfua

National Nasara Coordinator - Abdul Aziz Haruna Futah

National Youth Organiser - Salam Mohammed Mustafa

Treasurer - Dr. Charles Dwamena

These individuals work tirelessly to ensure the party's success and impact in Ghana's political arena.

Election History

The NPP has participated in numerous presidential and parliamentary elections since its establishment. The party's journey in presidential elections has been marked by several triumphs and setbacks:

1992: Albert Adu Boahen - 1,204,764 votes (30.3%) - Lost

1996: John Kufuor - 2,834,878 votes (39.7%) - Lost

2000: 3,131,739 votes (48.17%) - Elected

2004: 4,524,074 votes (52.45%) - Elected

2008: Nana Akufo-Addo - 4,159,439 votes (49.13%) - Lost

2012: 5,248,898 votes (47.74%) - Lost

2016: 5,755,758 votes (53.72%) - Elected

2020: 6,730,413 votes (51.30%) - Elected

 In parliamentary elections, the party has seen a significant shift in its fortunes:

 1992: Boycotted - 0 seats (Extra-parliamentary)

1996: 2,346,791 votes (33.8%) - 61 seats (Opposition)

2000: 2,949,767 votes (45.2%) - 100 seats (Majority government)

2004: 4,268,120 votes (48.9%) - 128 seats (Majority government)

2008: 4,013,013 votes (46.9%) - 107 seats (Opposition)

2012: 5,248,862 votes (47.5%) - 122 seats (Opposition)

2016: 4,713,277 votes (52.5%) - 169 seats (Majority government)

2020: 6,651,028 votes (50.4%) - 137 seats (NPP-Ind coalition government)

The NPP's fortunes in parliamentary elections have demonstrated its resilience and ability to adapt to the changing political climate.


The NPP has not yet selected its flagbearer for the upcoming election.

 The New Patriotic Party has played a significant role in Ghana's democratic journey, consistently engaging in competitive presidential and parliamentary elections. With its commitment to democratic values, dynamic leadership, and evolving constitution, the NPP remains a prominent political force in Ghana, dedicated to promoting Freedom and Justice for its citizens. The future holds exciting possibilities for the party, with the selection of its flagbearer and continued participation in Ghana's vibrant democracy.



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