People's National Convention (PNC)

Stories and facts

Formation and Early Years

Established on July 27, 1992, the PNC emerged from the ideals of the People's National Party, led by Limann in the 1979 elections, which he won. Since its inception, the PNC has actively engaged in Ghana's political landscape.

Election Engagements

The PNC has been a consistent participant in national elections, with a notable exception being the boycott of the 1992 parliamentary election alongside other opposition parties. Over the years, the party has witnessed both successes and challenges in the electoral arena.

2004 Elections

In the 2004 elections, the PNC joined the Grand Coalition, securing four seats out of 230. Edward Mahama, the Grand Coalition's presidential candidate, received 1.9% of the vote.

2008 Elections

During the December 2008 elections, the party secured two seats in Parliament, while Edward Mahama, for the fourth consecutive time, ran for president, garnering 0.8% of the vote.

2012 Elections

Hassan Ayariga, chosen as the presidential candidate in 2011, received 0.22% of the vote in the 2012 elections.

2016 Elections

In 2015, the PNC elected new officials, with Edward Mahama as the presidential candidate. The party experienced internal changes, leading to Hassan Ayariga departing and forming his own party, the All People's Congress.

2020 Elections

In the 2020 elections, the People's National Convention (PNC) presented a formidable duo with David Apasera as the flag bearer and Divine Ayivor as the running mate. Despite their determined efforts, the party secured 10,882 votes, accounting for 0.08% of the total votes cast.

Party Structure and Ideology

The PNC operates under the ideology of Nkrumaism, socialism, and Pan-Africanism. Its symbol, a Coconut Tree, and party colors of red, green, and white reflect its commitment to these principles. The party's slogan, "Service With Honesty," underscores its dedication to ethical governance.

Leadership and Structure

As of the latest update, the PNC is led by National Chairman Prof. John Fuaya Edwin Jnr.. The party's structure includes key positions like Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, and others.

Flagbearership and Future Outlook

Looking ahead, the PNC has scheduled its flagbearer election for March 24, 2024, in preparation for the upcoming general election. Nominations for this crucial role will be accepted from February 15 to 20, 2024, signifying the party's commitment to a democratic and inclusive leadership selection process.

The People's National Convention continues to play a significant role in Ghana's political landscape, guided by its founding principles and commitment to service with honesty. As the party navigates future elections, its adherence to Nkrumaism and dedication to ethical governance remain central to its identity.



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