Akan Funerary Busts: A blend of clay artifacts and funeral traditions

Stories and facts

The Akan people of Southern Ghana and Southeastern Côte d’Ivoire have a rich cultural heritage, evident in their visual arts and funeral practices.

Among the notable artifacts are funerary busts, known as Nkua in the Akan language, which symbolize the intersection of clay artistry and funeral rituals.

Clay artifacts hold a significant place in the archaeological record of the Akan-speaking peoples, reflecting their deep connection to the earth and its divinities. The use of unbaked clay and terra cotta in funerary busts serves to link these objects with the grave, both being earthen constructs.

Clay itself carries sacred connotations due to its association with Asaase Yaa, the female earth divinity revered by the Akan people.

Funerary busts, ranging in size from small representations to life-size sculptures, exemplify the Akan's diverse visual culture. Unlike wooden figurative sculptures, terra cotta heads adhere to different stylistic conventions, emphasizing distinct aspects of human anatomy.

The origins of these funeral busts likely date back to the seventeenth century, coinciding with the expansion of the Akwamu empire. However, the widespread dissemination of artistic practices during this period makes it challenging to pinpoint the exact origins of individual busts without contextual knowledge.

These busts often depict naturalistic likenesses of deceased individuals, although some adopt more abstract forms. In some cases, similar objects may represent minor deities or serve utilitarian purposes, such as pot lids. Distinguishing between funerary busts and other clay artifacts can be complex without understanding their original context of use.

Today, the tradition of using cement sculptures as grave markers has evolved, influenced by both European and North American cemetery practices and rooted in the historical use of terra cotta busts. Contemporary Ghanaian artists, such as Oku Ampofo, draw inspiration from Akan funerary busts in their sculptures, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity in Ghana's vibrant artistic landscape.

The enduring legacy of Akan funerary busts reflects the intersection of art, culture, and spirituality, offering a window into the rich tapestry of traditions that define Akan identity.

