Cremation in Ghana: A new era for the funeral industry

Stories and facts

In Ghana, traditional funeral practices have long been the norm, and cremation is slowly but surely gaining acceptance as a viable option for Ghanaians.

Once seen as a taboo and not culturally accepted across cultures in Ghana, cremation has now been embraced by many as a way to honour their loved ones in a unique and environmentally friendly way.

But what does this shift mean for the funeral industry in Ghana?

A Shift in Perspective

Ghanaians are beginning to accept and perceive cremation as a way to honour their loved ones in a unique and personalised way. With cremation, families can keep their loved one's ashes in an urn, scatter them in a special location, or even turn them into a beautiful diamond.

Some Funeral Homes in Ghana have built crematoriums to accommodate their clients who wish to be cremated due to the demand for cremation services in Ghana.

Some traditional burial sites also have an area that can be used for cremation. This flexibility is appealing in a culture where tradition and modernity coexist.

Breaking Down Barriers

Religious and cultural beliefs once hindered the acceptance of cremation in Ghana.

However, with increasing education and exposure, these barriers are crumbling. More Ghanaians are realizing that cremation does not contradict their beliefs but rather offers a new way to celebrate life.

Some religious groups like the catholic church have now relaxed their stance on the cremation practice, allowing families the opportunity to choose this option.

A Sustainable Choice

With the persistent increase in Ghana's urbanising population and scarce land resources, cremation has now become an attractive option for Ghanaian families.

With traditional funeral practices requiring the use of large plots of land, which are becoming scarce, cremation reduces the need for land, making it a sustainable choice for a country facing environmental challenges.

An example of cremation in Ghana.

The Future of Funeral Practices

With the evolving growth of the Ghanaian funeral industry, cremation has gained acceptance, and Funeral homes and crematories have also adapted to meet the growing demand, offering counselling, funeral planning, and cremation services that cater to the needs of families.

In conclusion, there is a beacon of hope concerning cremation in Ghana, symbolizing a shift in perspective, breaking down barriers, and offering a sustainable and personalized way to honour our loved ones.

From scattering ashes in a special location to creating a personalized memorial, cremation offers a way to celebrate life like never before.

Looking for cremation services? Our Funeral Service Directory has got you covered. With a comprehensive list of funeral service providers in Ghana, you will find the perfect fit for your farewell needs.

Visit to browse through our directory today and give your loved one the farewell they deserve.
