Bawumia, Mahama influenced by my movies, says actor LilWin

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Actor LilWin claims that his movie "Mr President" has influenced the campaign messages of political leaders, specifically mentioning Dr Bawumia of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and Mr Mahama of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). According to LilWin, elements from the film have been incorporated into their respective campaigns.

Providing further insights into the movie, LilWin highlighted areas that he believes have caught the attention of both Dr. Bawumia and Mr. Mahama. He stressed the importance of government support for existing businesses, advocating for increased employment through such assistance.

LilWin's critique extended to a call for a comprehensive review of utility bills and taxes, emphasizing the impediment posed by high taxes and electricity bills to business growth. He urged the government to address these issues to foster a conducive environment for business expansion.

The multi-talented actor-turned-entrepreneur also proposed a unique idea of utilizing the workforce in prisons for economic benefits. LilWin suggested involving inmates in manufacturing and production, creating marketable products such as prison biscuits, shoes, and water, thereby generating profits for both individuals and the government.

Reflecting on the success of the movie's premiere in Kumasi, LilWin expressed his aspiration to elevate Kumasi movie premieres to the same level as those in Accra. He highlighted the overwhelming audience response, with attendees even sitting in non-conducive areas. Due to the overflow, LilWin mentioned the addition of a conference hall to accommodate an extra 300 people.

Closing his statements, LilWin reiterated his ambition to become a Member of Parliament for Afigya Kwabre North, his hometown.

Delve into the life of Mahamudu Bawumia below.

Explore the life of John Dramani Mahama below.

Discover the life of Kwadwo Nkansah (LilWin) below.



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