E.T. Mensah: A stalwart Ghanaian politician

Stories and facts

This revered Ghanaian politician, who dedicated his life to public service, left an indelible mark on the nation's political landscape. E.T. Mensah's extensive career spanned over two decades, during which he served as a Minister for Education, a Member of Parliament, and held various key positions that contributed to the development of his beloved Ghana.

Born on May 17, 1946, in Prampram, a town located in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, E.T. Mensah's journey towards a career in politics was paved with a strong educational foundation. He attended the SNAPS College of Accountancy and successfully completed his studies in 1968. His dedication to academic excellence led him to achieve RSA III certification in 1970, and in 1986, he became a fellow of the Institute of Financial Accountants. E.T. Mensah's early professional career saw him working as an Account Officer at the University of Ghana, Legon, where he contributed his financial expertise.

E.T. Mensah's political journey began during the tumultuous period of the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC) military regime in Ghana. Serving as the Chief Executive of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), a role akin to being the Mayor of Accra, he made significant contributions to the development of the city. He officially joined the National Democratic Congress (NDC) when it was formed in 1992, marking the start of his political career.

E.T. Mensah's dedication to public service led him to stand for the Ghanaian parliamentary election in 1996, where he emerged victorious as the Member of Parliament for the Ningo-Prampram constituency. He retained his seat for nearly a decade, securing consecutive wins in the 2000, 2004, 2008, and 2012 elections. His popularity and commitment to his constituents were evident, and he even served as the Minority Chief Whip in Parliament before becoming the Majority Chief Whip in January 2009 when the NDC won the majority in parliament.

In a surprising turn of events, E.T. Mensah lost the NDC parliamentary primaries to Sam George on November 21, 2015, ending his 20-year tenure in parliament and his chance to stand for MP in the 2016 elections. Despite this setback, his legacy as a dedicated representative remained intact.

His contributions to Ghana extended beyond the legislative branch. At the beginning of the Fourth Republic, President Jerry Rawlings appointed him as the Minister for Youth and Sports, a position he held throughout both terms of the Rawlings government. In January 2010, President John Atta Mills appointed him as the Minister for Employment and Social Welfare after a cabinet reshuffle. E.T. Mensah was also a member of the Pan-African Parliament until January 2009 when he resigned after being appointed a member of state. In January 2011, he took on the role of Minister for Education following the resignation of Betty Mould-Iddrisu.

On February 12, 2021, E.T. Mensah was unanimously elected as the representative of the Council of State for the Greater Accra Region, continuing his legacy of public service.

E.T. Mensah was not only a dedicated public servant but also a family man. He was married and blessed with seven children, emphasizing the importance of family values alongside his political commitments.In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the nation, E.T. Mensah was awarded the Companion of the Order of the Volta by President Kufuor's government.

E.T. Mensah's passing on October 1, 2023, marked the end of an era in Ghanaian politics. He leaves behind a legacy of dedication, commitment, and service to his constituents and the nation as a whole. His contributions to education, sports, and social welfare have left an indelible mark on Ghana's development, and his memory will be cherished by all who knew him. As Ghana mourns the loss of E.T. Mensah, the nation will forever remember his unwavering commitment to the betterment of the country he loved so dearly.



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