Veteran musician KK Kabobo battles liver disease

Stories and facts

Broadcaster Barima Kaakyire Agyemang recently shared concerning images and videos depicting the distressed state of veteran Highlife musician KK Kabobo, who is reportedly battling liver disease. The footage, shared on February 26, 2024, captured KK Kabobo's visibly ailing appearance, serving as a stark reminder of his deteriorating health and urgent need for assistance.

Agyemang, in his interactions with KK Kabobo's wife, witnessed firsthand the musician's struggle, marked by breathlessness and difficulty in communication. Despite these challenges, KK Kabobo managed to convey his situation to Agyemang, indicating the severity of his condition.

According to Agyemang, KK Kabobo has been battling illness for an extended period, initially believed to be related to an ulcer but later diagnosed as a liver issue. The severity of his condition became evident during the interview, leading Agyemang to refrain from sharing the footage out of respect for KK Kabobo's struggle.

With KK Kabobo's permission, Agyemang captured images to raise awareness and solicit support for the musician's mounting medical expenses. He emphasized the urgent need for donations to cover hospital bills, scans, and medications, which have placed a significant financial strain on KK Kabobo.

Despite his health challenges, KK Kabobo, known for his popular Highlife hits, transitioned to become a pastor in 2012, following a divine calling. Despite this transition, he continued to bless people through his ministry while also releasing gospel songs.

The distressing images and videos shared by Agyemang shed light on KK Kabobo's plight, rallying support from the community to assist the musician during this challenging time.

Explore the life of KK Kabobo below.



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