St. Peter's Boys Senior High School: A legacy of excellence in education and sports in Eastern Region

Stories and facts

St. Peter's Senior High School, commonly known as PERSCO, is a prominent Roman Catholic boys' senior high school located in Nkwatia Kwahu on the Kwahu Ridge in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

Established in 1957 by the Divine Word Missionaries (SVD), the school has built a reputation for academic excellence and holistic development.

The academic facilities at PERSCO, collectively referred to as the Class Side, include classroom blocks, science laboratories, a computer laboratory, a quiz room, and an administration block.

These facilities support the school's comprehensive curriculum, which offers programs in Science, Business, Visual Arts, and General Arts. The laboratories are well-equipped for practical sessions in Physics, Biology, and Chemistry, essential for the school's robust science courses.

Students are accommodated in five dormitory blocks, each named after Roman Catholic saints who had significant ties to Africa or Black communities. The dormitories foster a sense of community and provide a supportive living environment for students.

PERSCO's academic programs are designed to ensure high standards. Prior to the introduction of the computerized placement system by the Ghanaian government, the school conducted its own placement examinations to select the most capable students for its science programs.

The school's sports facilities are extensive, featuring a football pitch, athletics oval, basketball and volleyball courts, a hockey pitch, and tennis courts. PERSCO has a strong tradition in sports, particularly in basketball, where it has produced top players who have represented the Kwahu zone in regional competitions.

Between 2000 and 2004, the school was the sole representative of the Kwahu zone in basketball at the Super Zonal games.

In addition to its academic and sports facilities, PERSCO is home to two large palm plantations. One plantation is located at the entrance of the school and the other on the mid-eastern side.

These plantations not only provide a source of palm fruits for the students' meals but also serve as scenic spots for students to entertain visitors.

The school chapel is a central feature of PERSCO, accommodating the entire student population for Sunday Mass, which is also attended by Catholic staff members and local residents. The chapel often hosts the Bishop of the Koforidua Diocese and other visiting priests, who sometimes include members of the teaching staff.

Adding to the unique character of PERSCO are its two crocodiles, which are cherished as mascots and attractions. These crocodiles are a significant part of the school's identity and are well cared for by the school's wildlife club. They attract many first-time visitors who are eager to see them before exploring the rest of the school.

St. Peter's Senior High School continues to uphold its tradition of excellence, providing a nurturing environment that fosters academic achievement, sportsmanship, and spiritual growth.



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