Meet Christopher Teye Partey Batsa, Ghana's emerging musical talent

Stories and facts

Christopher Teye Partey Batsa, widely known by his stage name Kritikal, is a Ghanaian musician who was born on December 16, 2000, in Odumase Krobo. However, his journey into the world of music began to take shape when he relocated to Accra in 2012.

Attending La-Nkwantanang 7 and 8 Junior High School, Kritikal discovered his innate passion for music. The year 2017 marked a pivotal moment in his life as he ventured into the music industry while still pursuing his education. Despite the demands of schooling, he managed to strike a balance, further refining his musical skills during his time at SDA Senior High School-Akyem Sekyere. By the year 2020, Kritikal successfully completed his high school education, laying the foundation for his future endeavors in the music scene.

In 2017, Kritikal made a notable debut in the music industry with his inaugural song titled "Nipa Ny3" (Humans are Ungrateful). This track not only captured the attention of listeners but also propelled Kritikal into the spotlight, showcasing his talent and delivering profound messages through his music.

Following his breakthrough, Kritikal embarked on a journey of artistic evolution, consistently releasing singles that resonated with his growing audience. Tracks such as "My Matter," "Slow but Sure," "Believe," "Take Your Time," and "Thankful" showcased his versatility and dedication to his craft. Additionally, Kritikal's collaborative efforts with various musicians further solidified his presence in the music scene, earning him recognition as a promising talent.

The year 2024 marked a significant milestone in Kritikal's career when he participated in DJ Slim's "Real and Raw" talent show, episode 2. His exceptional musical prowess shone through, ultimately leading to his victory in the competition. This achievement underscored Kritikal's talent and potential as an artist, cementing his status as a rising star in the music industry.

From his humble beginnings in Odumase Krobo to his ascent in the vibrant music scene of Accra, Kritikal's journey epitomizes perseverance, talent, and dedication. As he continues to evolve as an artist, his impact on the music industry is poised to resonate for years to come, inspiring aspiring musicians and captivating audiences worldwide.

Explore the life of Kritikal below.

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