Agona East District - Nsaba

Stories and facts

Agona East District, located in the Eastern Region of Ghana, is one of the twenty-two districts in the region. It was originally part of the larger Agona District until it was split in 2008 to create Agona East District, with the remaining portion renamed as Agona West District, which was elevated to municipal district assembly status. The district assembly is situated in the northeast part of the Central Region, and its capital town is Nsaba.

According to the 2010 Population and Housing Census, Agona East District had a population of 85,920, representing 3.9 percent of the region's total population. The population is youthful, with a significant proportion (41.1%) being young individuals, while the elderly make up a smaller percentage (6.1%). The district has a relatively balanced gender ratio, with males accounting for 47.8 percent and females 52.2 percent of the population. The majority of the population resides in rural areas (56.7%).

The district's economy heavily relies on agriculture, with cocoa, oil palm, cassava, plantains, and maize being the main crops grown. Trading is the second most important economic activity, providing employment for about a third of the labor force. Small-scale industrial activities, such as woodcarving, pottery, and food processing, are also prevalent.

The district celebrates the "Akwambo" festival annually, which serves as a significant cultural and social event. The people of Agona East practice a matrilineal inheritance system, and polygamy is common in less urbanized farming communities.

The district faces some environmental challenges due to human activities like slash-and-burn farming, bushfires, uncontrolled chainsaw operations, and sand winning. These activities have led to environmental degradation, such as erosion, deforestation, and loss of vegetation cover, exacerbating the impact of climate change in the area.

Agona East District offers economic opportunities, with periodic market centers, agricultural production, and small-scale industries contributing to the local economy. There is a growing presence of hotels, guesthouses, and restaurants in the district, indicating a potential for tourism and hospitality development.

Overall, Agona East District is a dynamic region with its own unique cultural, economic, and environmental characteristics, and efforts are being made to address its challenges and promote sustainable development.



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