Nkoranza South Municipality - Nkoranza

Stories and facts

The Nkoranza South Municipal District, situated within the Bono East Region of Ghana, is one of eleven districts in the region. Initially, it was a part of the larger Nkoranza District until a division on 1 November 2007 created the Nkoranza North District. Subsequently, the remaining area was renamed Nkoranza South District, which was later upgraded to Nkoranza South Municipal District on 28 June 2012. This district is situated in the southern section of the Bono East Region, with Nkoranza as its administrative center. As one of Ghana's 261 Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs), Nkoranza South Municipal District forms part of the 11 municipalities and districts in the Bono East Region, with Nkoranza as its capital.

Geographically, it lies within the central region of Bono East, between Longitudes 1O10’W and 1O55’W and Latitudes 7O20’N and 7O55’N. The district shares boundaries with Nkoranza North District to the north, Techiman Municipal to the west, and Offinso North and Ejura Sekyedumase Municipal in the south and southeast, both of which are located in the Ashanti Region. The district spans an area of 913 square kilometers and comprises approximately 126 settlements led by paramount chiefs.

According to the 2021 population and housing census, the district's population stands at 114,642, with 57,112 males and 57,530 females. In terms of population size, structure, and composition, the 2010 Population and Housing Census reported that the district's population was 100,929, representing 4.4 percent of the total population of the Bono East Region. The gender distribution was nearly equal, with males constituting 49.6 percent and females 50.4 percent. More than half of the population (52.9%) resides in rural areas. The district has a relatively youthful population, with 41.4 percent under the age of 15, while the elderly (aged 60 and above) make up 5.7 percent of the population. The sex ratio is 98.4, indicating slightly more females than males, and the age dependency ratio is 83.8.

Fertility, mortality, and migration patterns show that the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) for the district is 4.0, higher than the regional average. The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is 29.7 per 1000 population, and the crude death rate is 5.6 per 1000. Accidents, violence, homicide, and suicide contribute to 10.0 percent of all deaths, while other causes constitute the remaining 90.0 percent. Around 67.5 percent of migrants in the district were born in other regions, with the majority (52.8%) originating from the three northern regions.

Household characteristics reveal an average household size of 4.5 persons, with children comprising 45.5 percent and spouses accounting for approximately 11 percent. Nuclear households make up 33.1 percent of total households. Marital status statistics show that 42.1 percent of those aged 12 and older are married, 37.3 percent have never married, 10.0 percent are in consensual unions, and smaller percentages are widowed, divorced, or separated.

The majority of the population (96.0%) in the district are Ghanaian by birth, while 0.6 percent have naturalized, and 1.7 percent are non-Ghanaians. In terms of literacy and education, 72.5 percent of those aged 11 and above are literate, with a higher percentage of literate males (55.4%) compared to females (44.6%). Around 68.9 percent of the population aged 3 and above can speak and write both English and Ghanaian languages.

Economically, approximately 75.5 percent of the population aged 15 and older are economically active, while 24.5 percent are not. Within the economically active population, 96.4 percent are employed, and 3.6 percent are unemployed. Among the employed, the majority are engaged in skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery work. The private informal sector is the largest employer, employing 94.2 percent of the population.

Housing statistics indicate that the Nkoranza South Municipality has a housing stock of 20,782, with an average of 5.8 persons per house. Compound houses make up over half (53.9%) of all dwelling units, while more than half (57.2%) of the dwelling units are owned by household members. The main construction materials for outer walls are mud/mud bricks and cement/concrete, while metal sheets are the primary roofing material.

The Municipality's transportation infrastructure is characterized by a limited engineered road network, with only the roads connecting to neighboring districts being paved. The district has the potential for tourism, with sites like Dandwa Waterfalls and Akropong Waterfalls, as well as cultural events like the Nana's Annual Yam festivals.

Overall, the Nkoranza South Municipal District in Ghana is predominantly rural and agrarian, with a significant emphasis on agriculture and related activities.
