Bosome Freho District - Asiwa

Stories and facts

It is situated in the central part of the Ashanti Region, sharing borders with Bekwai Municipal to the West, Bosomtwi and Ejisu-Juaben Districts to the North, Adansi South and Akyimansa Districts to the South, and Asante-Akim South to the North-East. The district covers an approximate land area of 630 sq. km and is centered around the town of Asiwa.

Geographically, the district lies between Latitude 6°00’N and 6°26N and Longitudes 1°00W and 1˚30W. The area is drained by several rivers, namely Pra, Fre, Sunso, Anum, and the renowned Lake Bosomtwe. The vegetation primarily consists of moist-semi-deciduous forests with a significant presence of chronolaena Odorata (commonly called Acheampong) shrub. Forest reserves can also be found along the Lake Bosomtwe Ranges and the borders with Adansi South. The underlying geological formations are characterized by the presence of Birimian, Tarkwaian, and granitic rocks. Major settlements within the Bosome Freho District include Asiwa, Esaase, Dompa, Anyanso, Freso, Abosamso, Nsuaem, Tebeso I & II, Anyinase, and Nsuta.

Climatically, the Bosome Freho District experiences tropical rains, with double maxima occurring in June (averaging about 1600mm) and October (averaging about 1800mm). The temperature ranges from 20°C in August to 32°C in March, and humidity remains moderately high during the rainy season, varying between 70% and 80% during the dry season.

As of the 2010 Population and Housing Census, the district's total population was recorded as 60,397, comprising 29,753 males and 30,644 females. The population growth rate stands at 2% per annum, with a projected population of approximately 68,018 for the year 2018.

Overall, the Bosome Freho District is characterized by its natural resources, including diverse vegetation, rivers, and Lake Bosomtwe, as well as a growing population that plays a crucial role in shaping the district's socio-economic development.
