Stories and facts
Despite years of neglect, these fishing communities continue to attract tourists seeking to explore Accra's colonial past. Among the notable attractions is the colonial-era lighthouse, a captivating structure that has become a popular viewing platform for visitors.
Situated on the Gulf of Guinea coast, Jamestown and Usshertown hold the distinction of being the oldest districts in Accra. Originally established as communities around the British forts, these districts underwent significant development during the 19th century. Over time, they evolved into densely populated areas characterized by a blend of commercial and residential spaces.
The colonial-era lighthouse in Jamestown stands as a testament to Ghana's colonial history. The original lighthouse, built in 1871 at James Fort, was later replaced by the current Accra Light in the 1930s. Rising 28 meters (92 feet) above the ground, the lighthouse not only serves as a navigational aid but also offers breathtaking panoramic views of Jamestown and its picturesque fishing harbour.
Unlike many tourist attractions that feature bustling gift shops and long queues, the colonial-era lighthouse offers a refreshingly authentic experience. Visitors can explore the lighthouse without the burden of set prices or commercialization. This absence of overcrowding and commercial elements allows for a more immersive and tranquil experience, providing an opportunity to soak in the historical ambience.
Despite facing neglect from past governments, these remain significant landmarks that showcase Accra's colonial heritage. The districts retain their fishing traditions and are primarily inhabited by the Ga people. Tourists flock to these areas to witness the remnants of the city's colonial past and gain insight into the local way of life. Various plans have emerged to enhance Accra's overall development, with differing opinions on the revitalization of Jamestown. Some regard improvements in Jamestown as integral to the city's progress, while others view them as potentially diverting attention from the central business district. Nevertheless, the inauguration of the 2015 Old Accra Strategy signals a renewed commitment to redevelop Jamestown and Usshertown. These efforts aim to restore the districts to their former glory and preserve their cultural and historical significance.
The colonial-era lighthouse in Jamestown, Accra, serves as a captivating window into Ghana's rich history. As visitors ascend the spiral staircase, they are rewarded with breathtaking views of Jamestown and its fishing harbour. Exploring these historic districts allows tourists to immerse themselves in Accra's colonial past, witnessing the remnants of a bygone era. With ongoing plans to revitalize Jamestown and Usshertown, Accra's heritage is being preserved for future generations to appreciate and explore.