Discovering the majestic beauty of Kintampo Waterfalls

Stories and facts

Situated on the Pumpum River, a tributary of the Black Volta, about 4 kilometres north of Kintampo Municipality along the Kumasi-Tamale route, the Kintampo Waterfalls in Ghana stands as one of the tallest in the country. Comprising three impressive drops, the tallest of which measures 25 meters (82 feet), the waterfalls present a captivating natural spectacle.

Following a series of steps and cascades, the river plummets approximately 70 metres (230 feet). The journey of the Pumpum River commences about 10 kilometres away from the waterfalls, originating in the village of Pumpumatifi. Formerly known as Sanders Falls during colonial times, this hidden gem in the Bono East region of Ghana adds to the allure of the area's natural attractions.

The Kintampo Waterfalls have a rich history that spans several centuries. It was first discovered in the 18th century and quickly garnered attention for its natural beauty and captivating features. Recognizing its potential as a tourist attraction, the waterfalls were officially designated as a tourist site in 1992.

Since its discovery, the Kintampo Waterfalls have played a significant role in the growth and development of the surrounding area. It has attracted visitors from all around the world, contributing to the local economy and promoting tourism in the region.

It has contributed significantly to the country's growth over the years. However, the site experienced a tragic incident in 2017 when a large tree fell on a group of children swimming at the base of the waterfall during a strong storm, leading to the loss of twenty students' lives. In response, safety measures were implemented, and swimming and showering areas were made safer. It is now advised to avoid visiting the falls during storms or heavy rainfall. A stone plaque near the stairs honours the memory of the deceased children, and the picnic area has been restored.

Over the years, the waterfalls have undergone various developments and improvements to enhance the visitor experience. These include the creation of amenities such as a car park and a reception centre, as well as the construction of stairs and the training of guides to ensure the safety and comfort of visitors.

The Kintampo Waterfalls is a significant landmark, attracting nature lovers, adventure seekers, and tourists who appreciate the breathtaking beauty of this natural wonder. Its historical significance, combined with its picturesque surroundings, makes it a must-visit destination for those exploring the wonders of the region.

The Waterfalls offer a scenic view, surrounded by a forest rich in trees, particularly mahogany trees, some of which reach heights exceeding 40 meters. For tourists travelling between Kumasi and Tamale or Mole National Park, the falls serve as an ideal stop to take a break and enjoy the festive atmosphere. Thousands of visitors and locals frequently gather here for picnics and relaxation in the shade.

A canopy walkway was constructed after the unfortunate incident in 2017. The falls are now accessible in three main stages of flow, each offering unique perspectives of the cascading water. However, caution is advised due to the slippery rock surfaces in certain areas.

For those seeking a more laid-back experience, there are picnic spots available near the falls. Visitors can relax, enjoy a picnic with loved ones, and bask in the natural beauty that surrounds them. The site also offers amenities such as restrooms and changing rooms, ensuring a comfortable and convenient visit for all.

To reach the Kintampo Waterfalls, one can travel 4 kilometres north of Kintampo and find the park's entrance immediately after the Falls Rest Stop. Taking a taxi from the city and being dropped off at the falls' entrance is a common method of transportation. When returning, flagging down a taxi on the roadside is an option, although it may take some time, so it's recommended to discuss arrangements with the driver beforehand. The recent addition of a canopy walkway overlooking the waterfall and a biplane construction aid has further enriched the attraction's offerings.

A visit to the Kintampo Waterfalls is an unforgettable experience, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural charm. With its cascading waters, lush surroundings, and intriguing legends, the falls provide a haven for those seeking tranquillity and adventure. Whether you are an avid nature lover, a history enthusiast, or simply in search of a unique travel destination, Kintampo Waterfalls promises to captivate your senses and leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.



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