Krowor Municipality - Nungua

Stories and facts

It was carved out of the Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly to facilitate better governance and promote grassroots development. The Assembly, with its capital located at Nungua, was established in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993 (Act 462) and Legislative Instrument 2318 of 2017, in line with the government's vision of deepening decentralization and ensuring manageable sizes for Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies across the country.

According to the 2021 population and housing census, the population of Krowor Municipal Assembly stands at 143,012, comprising 70,735 males and 72,277 females. The total land area of the municipality is estimated to be around 50 square kilometers.

The municipality's southern boundary is defined by the Gulf of Guinea, extending from the Kpeshie Lagoon to the Mukwe Lagoon near the Regional Maritime University. It follows the Maritime Road, joins the Accra-Tema road to Nungua Police Station Barrier, and then turns right to the Ashaiman road. From there, it continues to Lashibi Junction, branches left on the Spintex Road, and eventually meets the Kwame Nkrumah Motoway. The boundary then moves southwards near the East Legon tunnel before circling back to the Kpeshie Lagoon, completing the boundary loop.

The administrative structure of the Assembly consists of the Municipal Chief Executive, who serves as the highest authority, followed by the Executive Committee, acting as the executive arm and coordinating body of the Assembly. The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) is appointed by the President of the Republic and holds the position of both political and administrative head of the Assembly.

The geological composition of Krowor Municipal Assembly mainly comprises Precambrian Dahomeyan Schists, Granodiorites, Granites Gneiss, and Amphibolites, as well as late Precambrian Togo Series. The area is characterized by coastal savannah vegetation, featuring short savannah grasses interspersed with shrubs and short trees. The climate is typical of the Savannah zone, experiencing a double maxima rainy season pattern. The average annual rainfall is around 730mm, with two main rainy seasons from May to mid-July and mid-August to October. The predominant wind direction is from the WSW to NNE sectors, with average speeds ranging between 8 to 16 km/hr. The area enjoys relatively stable annual temperature figures with minimal variation, and the relative humidity ranges from 65% in the mid-afternoon to 95% at night.

Krowor Municipal Assembly is rich in cultural festivities, with the prominent Homowo festival celebrated by the Gas. Homowo, meaning "hooting at hunger," is a colorful event commemorating the bountiful harvest after a period of severe famine experienced by the ancestors during the early settlement on their lands. The festival takes place from August to September and involves various rituals, including the sprinkling of "Kpokpoi" (the festival dish) to honor the gods and ancestors for spiritual protection. Traditional drumming, dancing, and merry-making are integral parts of the celebration. Additionally, the people of Nungua also celebrate the Kplejoo festival annually on the first Sunday in June, further enriching the cultural heritage of the municipality.

Krowor Municipal Assembly, established in 2017, has been actively working towards fostering local development and decentralization in Ghana. With a population of over 143,000 and a land area of approximately 50 square kilometers, the municipality holds significant potential for growth and progress. Its distinctive geological composition, vegetation, and climate contribute to its unique character. Moreover, the rich cultural traditions and festivals celebrated by the residents play a vital role in preserving the area's cultural identity.

The Assembly's administrative structure, led by the Municipal Chief Executive, ensures efficient governance and coordination of various developmental initiatives. As the municipality continues to grow and evolve, the Krowor Municipal Assembly remains committed to its goal of fostering sustainable development and improving the well-being of its residents. Through a combination of traditional values and modern governance practices, Krowor Municipal Assembly is poised to thrive as an essential contributor to Ghana's local governance and overall progress.




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