Tolon District - Tolon

Stories and facts

The western border touches the North Gonja District, while the northern border adjoins the Kumbungu District. To the south, the Central Gonja District is contiguous, and the eastern periphery aligns with the Tamale Metropolitan area.

Population Dynamics

As per the 2010 Population and Housing Census, the Tolon District's population stood at 72,990, constituting about 2.9 percent of the Northern Region's total populace. The gender distribution reveals a near-even split, with males accounting for 49.8 percent and females representing 50.2 percent. A substantial 88.4 percent of the inhabitants reside in rural areas. The sex ratio tips slightly in favor of females, with 99.3 males for every 100 females. Notably, the population exhibits a youthful disposition, with 17.9 percent aged 0-4 years. Conversely, those aged 70 and above comprise a modest 2.5 percent. The district's total age dependency ratio reaches 96.5, slightly favoring males (103.2) over females (90.2).

Fertility, Mortality, and Migration

The Tolon District experiences a Total Fertility Rate of 3.2, alongside a General Fertility Rate of 93.1 births per 1000 women aged 15-49 years. The Crude Birth Rate stands at 21.7 per 1000 population. In contrast, the Crude Death Rate rests at 6.9 per 1000, with males aged 70 and above accounting for the highest death rate. In the broader context of the Northern Region's total deaths, the Tolon District contributes 502 cases. Migration patterns reveal that 85.0 percent of migrants within the District were born in the Northern Region, while 15.0 percent hail from other regions. Notable sources include the Ashanti Region (35.7 percent) and Upper East Region (32.4 percent), with 16.5 percent born outside Ghana.

Household Dynamics

The Tolon District encompasses 71,862 individuals distributed across 8,110 households. On average, each household comprises 9 persons, exceeding the regional average of 7.8. The demographic composition sees children accounting for 46.5 percent, heads constituting 11.3 percent, spouses at 9.5 percent, and other relatives encompassing 13.0 percent. The extended family system prevails, constituting 68.5 percent of all households.

Marital Trends

Within the population aged 12 years and older, 60.2 percent are married, 33.6 percent have never married, 4.4 percent are widowed, 1 percent are divorced, and 0.6 percent are separated. Among females aged 25-29, 86.7 percent are married, while 55.6 percent of males fall under this category. The elderly bracket (65 and above) sees 49.5 percent of females as widowed, compared to 5.9 percent of males. Notably, marriage and education are linked, with 86.8 percent of the married possessing no formal education. Conversely, 49.4 percent of the unmarried have not attended school.

National Identity

Ghanaians by birth constitute 96.1 percent of the District's population, while naturalized citizens account for 0.6 percent. Non-Ghanaians comprise 1.7 percent of the population.

Religious Landscape

The Tolon District's religious fabric is predominantly Muslim, with Muslims making up approximately 94.1 percent of the population. Within the Christian spectrum, Catholics form the largest subgroup at 1.1 percent, while Traditionalists account for 1.5 percent.

Literacy and Education

Among those aged 11 years and above, 26.2 percent are literate, while 73.8 percent lack literacy. A gender disparity emerges, with 63.3 percent of males being literate compared to 36.7 percent of females. Notably, 72.9 percent can read and write both English and Ghanaian languages. Pertaining to school attendance, 81.4 percent of those aged 3 years and above currently attend or have attended school in the past.

Economic Engagement

A substantial 80.5 percent of the population aged 15 and above are economically active. Among them, 97.7 percent are employed, while 2.3 percent are unemployed. The economically inactive include students (37.2 percent), those engaged in household duties (28.3 percent), and individuals disabled or too ill to work (26.7 percent). Nearly half (44.8 percent) of the unemployed are first-time job seekers.

Occupational Insights

Among the employed, 88.8 percent work as skilled agricultural, forestry, or fishery workers, while 4.7 percent are in craft and related trades. Service and sales constitute 3.3 percent, managers and professionals at 1.6 percent.

Employment Status and Sectors

For those aged 15 and above, 57.4 percent are self-employed without employees, 35.1 percent are contributing family workers, 2.7 percent are self-employed with employees, and 0.8 percent are casual workers. Domestic employees comprise 0.9 percent. Men dominate each employment category except for casual workers, contributing family workers, and apprentices. The private informal sector is the primary employer, engaging 97.0 percent of the populace, followed by the private formal sector at under two percent.
