Stories and facts
The Weija Gbawe Municipal Assembly emerged as a product of administrative reconfiguration. In 2018, a total of 38 new and upgraded district assemblies, including Weija Gbawe, came into existence. The transformation was sanctioned by Legislative Instrument 2315, a pivotal document that breathed life into these newly defined administrative units. On March 15, 2018, amid a wave of inaugurated districts, the Weija Gbawe Municipal Assembly was officially christened, taking its place on the map of Ghanaian governance.

Situated in the southwestern quadrant of Accra, the Weija Gbawe Municipality commands attention with its geographical coordinates. Bounded by latitudes 5°47'30"N and 5°27'30"N, and longitudes 0°31'30"W and 0°16'30"W, the municipality stretches across an expanse of approximately 502.31 square kilometres. This vast terrain is punctuated by a mosaic of settlements—around 120 in number—each contributing to the tapestry of this burgeoning district.
The Weija Gbawe Municipality is more than just lines on a map; it is defined by its interactions and interconnections. To the north, it shares its boundary with the Ga South Municipal. To the east, it converges with the Ga Central Municipal, while the Ablekuma North Municipal marks its southeastern border. The municipality's southwestern edge meets the Ga South Municipal once more, and to the south, the Gulf of Guinea unfurls its azure embrace. This unique confluence of borders underscores the municipality's strategic location and its role as a meeting point of diverse influences.

Intriguingly, the Weija Gbawe Municipality was not always known by this name. It was originally christened the Ga South Municipal Assembly. However, in March 2018, the winds of change swept through the corridors of governance as Legislative Instrument 1867 was enacted. This legal decree bore witness to the transformation of the assembly's name, ushering in the Weija Gbawe Municipal Assembly as a beacon of local identity and heritage.
As of the 2021 Population and Housing Census (PHC) report, the Weija Gbawe Municipality plays host to a population of 213,674 individuals. This dynamic populace is characterized by a near-balanced gender distribution, with 104,910 males and 108,764 females. Beyond the numbers, these individuals breathe life into the municipality, contributing to its social fabric, economy, and aspirations.
The Weija Gbawe Municipality, an embodiment of administrative evolution, territorial diversity, and demographic vibrancy, shines as a unique gem within the constellation of Ghana's MMDAs. Its journey from a mere idea to a fully-fledged municipal assembly is a testament to the nation's commitment to effective governance and grassroots representation. As the Weija Gbawe Municipality continues to carve its path forward, it stands as a microcosm of Ghana's ever-changing landscape, a testament to the power of local governance and the enduring spirit of its people.